Effects of Trace Elements and Antimycotics to Manage Rice Blast Disease Caused by Pyricularia oryzae
Rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae causes significant yield losses. Sixteen commercial cultivars of fine rice from Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Punjab, Pakistan were assessed for genomic resistance years as well as the efficacy of trace elements and antimycotics for two consecutive years (2021-22). Two varieties (Super Basmati and Basmati-370) were found highly susceptible, while KSK 133 was observed resistant, RC-8, CHECK, RC-7, PKBR21-8 and PK11876-1-2 were moderately resistant, KSK-282, RC-6, PKBR21-12,PKBR2-1 and PK11661-2-3 were moderately susceptible and the variety C1,C2 and C3 were susceptible against the disease. In management of the disease, combination of thiophanate methyl, tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin, and fosetyle-aluminium was more effective with minimum disease severity of 11.89% and 11.69%. In a moderatley susceptible vareity the application of thiophanate methyl and fosetyle-aluminium also effectively suppressed the disease severity 17.83% and 16.90% respectively. Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin combination was less effective against the disease (36.67% and 36.51%). The combination of copper, zinc, and boron suppressed the disease to the maximum with disease severity of 9.681% and 9.62%. Overall, respective combinations of both fungicides and trace elements were found to be the most effective in controlling rice blast disease
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.013.01.4917
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