Epidemiological Markers for Citrus Canker caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri
Climatic factors have a significant impact on the growth and development of citrus canker disease, which is one of the biggest threats to the citrus industry caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xcc). The growth stage, host sensitivity, succulence, vigour, survival, rate of multiplication, pathogen dispersal direction, rate of spore penetration, and germination are all impacted by these factors. Climatic factors such as maximum and minimum temperatures, relative humidity, rainfall, and wind speed were studied in the experiment in order to determine their effects on the development of disease. Significant positive association was observed on ten varieties/cultivars (Grapefruit, Rough lemon, Kinnow, Red blood, Shamber, Duncan, Foster, Malta, Citrus Sinensis and China lemon). To find the correlation between climatic factors and disease projection, a multiple regression model based on a two-year study was developed. Goodness of model was signified by coefficient determination value. There was a significant positive association among all ten varieties. It was concluded that all the climatic factors like max. T (37 0C), min. T (27 0C), RH 55%, RF (4.7-7.1 mm) and WS 8 Km/h were the conditions for the development of canker disease. This study would be beneficial for researchers to develop better disease management strategies for the future as a result of changing climatic conditions against disease
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.012.03.4489
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