Management of Covered Kernel Smut (Sporisorium sorghi) Disease of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at Gabilley District in Somaliland
Sorghum is multi-purpose crop that plays an important role in the socio-economic life of farming communities in Somaliland. However its production and productivity is threatened due to Covered kernel smut disease. A field experiment was carried out at Aburin Agricultural Research Center at Gabilay district in Somaliland in order to identify management options for Covered kernel smut disease of sorghum. The experiment consisted of 12 factorial treatment combinations of three varieties (i.e., Faruryogele, Abadro and Kuso) and three types of seed treatments which includes synthetic and bio-fungicides (i.e., Apron star 42WS%, Cow urine, and Neem seed kernel extract) and including Untreated control, laid out in RCBD with three replications. Parameters such as disease incidence, disease severity, phenological data, grain yield (kg)/plot, actual grain yield/plot, 1000 grains weight (g) and yield loss (%) were collected. The experiment result showed that highest disease (44.0%) incidence was recorded on untreated Kuso variety while lowest disease (4.33%) incidence was Apron star with Abadiro. Similarly, the highest disease severity (37%) was scored from Untreated Abadiro whereas lowest disease severity (4%) was scored from Abadiro with Apron star and Faruryogele with Apron star. Untreated Abadiro variety reached highest AUDPC (1036.0% days). The Apron star treated varieties had the lowest AUDPC and consistently showing markedly low infection rates indicating that they were more effective to the disease relative to the other seed treatments. The highest yield (1896 kg ha-1) was recorded from Faruryogele with Apron star and lowest (933 kg ha-1) was recorded from untreated Abadiro and Faruryogele. So, Apron star was effective to reduce the yield loss of sorghum and could be recommended to manage sorghum covered kernel smut. However, the experiment should be repeated across different environments over years in order to give the right recommendations and its rate may need to be well defined.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.012.03.4249
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