Efficacy and Induction Resistance of Neem Extract and Mancozeb 80 Wp on Physoderma Brown Spot and Physoderma Stalk Rot Diseases of Corn (Zea mays) caused by Physoderma Maydis in Far North Cameroon
Corn (Zea mays) is one of the most widely spread cereals in the world. However, in the Far North Region of Cameroon, the incidence of some maize diseases progress because of farming practices and climate change (rainfall). This work aims to evaluate effect and resistance stimulation of neem extract and Mancozeb fungicide on Brown Spot (PBS) and Stalk Rot (PSR) diseases of corn due to Physoderma maydis in field condition. The experimental design was a two-factor split-plot. The treatments were a combination of Control (T), Mancozeb (Mz) at the concentration of 6g/L and aqueous extract of neem seeds (AENS) at the concentration of 50g/L with CMS 9015 and CMS 8704 varieties. Incidence, severity, rainfall, Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUIPC, AUSiPC) were recorded. Phenol and protein rates, enzymatic activity of Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POX) and glucanase were carried out. Stalk length and yield were evaluated. Incidence and severity of Physoderma Brown Spot (PBS) and Physoderma Stalk Rot (PSR) increased with time and environmental conditions (rainfall). The highest disease incidence was observed in the control treatments with both diseases, 52.39 and 37.67 % respectively for Brown Spot and Stalk Rot in CMS8704 variety and lower with AENS, 13.5 and 36.01%. AENS reduced PBS incidence and severity by 23.1 and 19.9 %, respectively and Mz by 9.3 and 18.1 %. The AUIPC and AUSiPC of PBS and PSR remained lower with AENS treatment during the growing season and higher with the other treatments. The highest phenol and proteins rates (8.81 and 25.1 mg/g/FM) were recorded for the AENS treatment in CMS9015 and CMS8704 variety, respectively. Enzymatic activity was more enhanced in CMS8704 variety with AENS. 4.22 A470/min/g, 1.55 A470/min/g and 1.15 µmole/min /g were recorded respectively for PPO, POX, and Glucane activities. Stalk length was higher in AENS and Mancozeb treatments with variety CMS8704 (125.13 and 123 cm respectively). A yield increase of 7.44% was obtained in the AENS treatment. The combination or not of aqueous neem extract and CMS8704 could be used in the integrated control of PBS and PSR of maize
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.010.02.3553
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