Diagnostic Survey of Pineapple Heart Rot Disease in Lake Victoria Crescent Basin of Uganda
Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merril) is a key horticultural crop in tropical and sub-tropical countries valued for its economic and nutritional importance. However, the recent outbreak of pineapple heart rot disease (PHRD) in Uganda is a serious threat to production. Yet, information on the prevalence, incidence and severity is limited and scanty. This study, therefore, assessed the prevalence, incidence and severity of pineapple heart rot disease in the districts of Masaka, Luwero, Kayunga and Mukono in the Lake Victoria crescent of Uganda in 2015. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to solicit information from 216 respondents. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of SPSS computer package versions 16.0. Varying incidences and severities of pineapple heart rot disease was observed in all fields surveyed. The disease was more prevalent in Kayunga than Masaka districts, respectively. Overall, 48% and 05% pineapple fields were infected with pineapple heart rot disease in Kayunga and Masaka district, respectively. Similarly, the highest and the lowest disease incidence were recorded in Kayunga and Masaka district, respectively. Overall, the incidence and severity varied from field to field. The findings have therefore shown that pineapple heart rot disease is widespread and devastating in central Uganda. Therefore, there is a need for the policymakers to priorities resources to develop an appropriate disease management strategy to combat this devastating epidemic to save the pineapple industry.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.007.02.2441
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