Bacterial Wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum in Ethiopia: StatusaAnd Management Approaches: A Review
Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most devastating plant diseases of economically important crops mainly Solanaceous family such as tomato, potato, pepper and eggplant. These crops play a significant role primarily as sources of income and food security for the small scale farming community in Ethiopia. The occurrence of bacterial wilt disease in Ethiopia was reported in 1956 and is known to cause significant yield loss on different Solanaceous crops in different parts of the country. On the basis of conventional characterization and classification, the strains of R. solanacearum found in Ethiopia have been identified as biovar 1 and 2. Recent characterization of R. solanacearum strains based on phylotype grouping using multiplex PCR and partial endoglucanase gene sequencing identified the occurrences of phylotype II and III. The association of biovar and phylotyping schemes indicated that phylotype II comprises only biovar 2, and phylotype III comprises strains of biovar 1 and biovar 2. The importance of the disease on Solanaceous crop is increasing from time to time specially in potato producing areas of the country. Apart from Solanaceous crops, the disease has also been posing a catastrophic damage to ginger production. Latently infected ginger rhizomes and potato seed tuber and decreasing of land holdings that limit crop rotation have contributed to the wider spread of the disease. In this review attempt has been made to summarize relevant scientific studies on this economically important disease in Ethiopia as well as its different disease management options, challenges and future considerations. Because, there is no single effective control measure against the target pathogen so far, a well-coordinated effort is required to develop an integrated disease management program that will help to minimize the damage and yield loss caused by the disease.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.005.03.1829
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