Influence of Cultural Practices on the Development of Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) on Maize at Bako, Western Ethiopia
The experiment was conducted at Bako Agricultural Research Center from 2008 to 2009 cropping seasons in order to evaluate the effect of sowing dates and ploughing frequency on the development of Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) on maize. The susceptible variety Phb 3253, with three sowing dates (early, optimum and late at 10 days interval) and three ploughing treatments: Minimum tillage (once), farmer’s practice (three times ploughing) and four times ploughing were used. All plots were uniformly treated with GLS infected crop residue before first ploughing. Trial was laid out in factorial arrangement in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Among the planting dates, the highest disease severity of 7.60, 7.44 & 7.00, (1-9 scale) and Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) 305.83, 280.1 and 280.33 were recorded in early sown minimum (conservation) tillage practices, while the lowest was with AUDPC 161.50, 196.50 and 222.67 in four times ploughed plots in 2007, 2008 and 2009 years respectively. The highest thousand seed weight and grain yield was observed in four times ploughed and in early sown plots, while the lowest thousand seed weights and grain yield were recorded in the conservation tillage practice. Four times ploughed and early sown fields had a mean yield advantage of 474.73kg (6.66%) and a total yield advantage 2020.77kg (36.23.6%) over three times ploughed and minimum tillage practices for the three seasons 2008-2009. In general higher disease severity, low thousand seed weight and grain yield were recorded for the conservation tillage compared to other practices. The overall results showed that four times ploughing result in superior maize grain yield performance compared to others as it has resulted in reducing the disease development.
Grey Leaf Spot; GLS; ploughing frequency; maize residue; sowing date; cultural or farmers practice
DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.001.01.0012
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Copyright (c) 2012 Aschalew Sisay, Fekede Abebe, Kedir Wako

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