Philip W. Peter, Cush N. Luwesi


Performance contract can be made to work in public universities, but there are numerous pitfalls along the way which can punish innovation, success and can erect complex barriers to effective implementation. The fundamental principle of performance contracting in these institutions is the devolved management style where emphasis is management by outcome rather than management by process. The study was mainly concerned with collecting empirical evidence which linked Academic staffers’ performance contracting and community service participation. Descriptive survey design was used in the study to highlight specific descriptions in respect of crucial and fundamental aspects of performance contracting and give directional predictions on its influence in community service participation by university lecturers. Three (3) public universities comprising eight hundred forty eight (848) lecturers provided empirical evidence by way of collecting data through questionnaire administration and semi structured interviews where a total number of   one hundred forty two (142) staff members were randomly selected as respondents. Results of the descriptive findings indicated that most of teaching academic staffers were aware of performance contracting but understood it differently in respect of versions and terminologies in their institutions. Results of the F test confirmed that there was a positive relationship between employees’ participation in community service and the level of service delivery at the selected Kenyan public universities. Different tests of between-subjects effects established at least at 90% confidence interval that the level of service delivery was significantly reliable on the participation by the universities teaching academic staffers in community service


Performance; Contracting; Service; Delivery

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