Journal of Zoo Biology

Journal of Zoo Biology is an open access peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal focusing on original reporting, experimental and theoretical contributions to animal sciences. Quality research articles and critical reviews from around the world cover: Biodiversity, demographics, genetics, behavior, reproduction, nutrition, diseases of animals, physiological, biochemical, and molecular, ecological, genetic and economic aspects of animals are accepted for publication.

Journal of Zoo Biology is jointly published by EScience Press and Center for Community Learning (CCL) and has no affiliation with Wiley Periodicals, Inc. publishing Zoo Biology.

Journal of Zoo Biology

Journal of Zoo Biology

Editor: Dr. Sana Aziz

Publisher: EScience Press

Format: Print & Online

Print Copy Provider: EScience Press

Frequency: 01

Language: English

Scope: Zoology

Author Fees: Yes

Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journal

Access: Open Access

Indexed & Abstracted: Yes

Policy: Double blind peer-reviewed

Review Time: 04-06 Weeks Approximately

Contact & Submission e-mail:

Zoology News


Like people, vultures get set in their ways and have fewer friends as they age

Young griffon vultures move frequently between sleeping sites in different locations, interacting with many friends. They get set in their ways as they age and roost in the same spots with the same individuals; older vultures follow the same paths. Roosts act as information hubs; older vultures may have a more thorough knowledge of where to find food resources and less need to learn about them from other vultures.
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Ancient gene gives spiders their narrow waist

An ancient gene is crucial for the development of the distinctive waist that divides the spider body plan in two, according to a new study.
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Scientists discover how starfish get 'legless'

Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery about how sea stars (commonly known as starfish) manage to survive predatory attacks by shedding their own limbs. The team has identified a neurohormone responsible for triggering this remarkable feat of self-preservation.
Posted: 2024-08-29More...

How cells use condensation to seal tissues tight

Our bodies and organs are shielded from the external environment by tissue barriers like the skin. These barriers must be tightly sealed to prevent unwanted substances from entering. This sealing is achieved through structures called tight junctions. However, how these tight junctions form has long been a mystery. Now, biologists have uncovered that the proteins responsible for these seals form a liquid-like material on the cell surface much like the water that condenses on a cold window.
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Seeing the future: Zebrafish regenerates fully functional photoreceptor cells and restores its vision

Blinding diseases lead to permanent vision loss by damaging photoreceptor cells, which humans cannot naturally regenerate. While researchers are working on new methods to replace or regenerate these cells, the crucial question is whether these regenerated photoreceptors can fully restore vision. By studying zebrafish, an animal naturally capable of photoreceptor regeneration, a team showed that regenerated photoreceptors are as good as original ones and regain their normal function, allowing the fish to recover complete vision.
Posted: 2024-08-29More...

Vol 6, No 1 (2023): J. Zoo Biol.

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Ayesha Arif, Safina Kousar, Sumaira Aslam, Muaza Hafeez, Faiza Ambreen, Komal Tayyab, Sadia Andleeb
Jameela H. x H. Ghazaly, Jayadevan M. Mandiram, Murad B. Mustafa, Muna A. Alhajeri
Tamseela Mumtaz, Rabia Afzal, Dilber H. Roy, Shamim Akhtar
Isa Spiero, Constanze Mager, Henk Siepel
Anjan Talukdar, Mohammad Waseem Ashraf, Murad B. Mustafa, Muna A. Alhajeri

Review Articles

Saima Nazir, Majeeda Rasheed, Oshaz Fatima, Eisha Tu Raazi, Madiha Fayyaz