Management and Prevention of Impaction Colic in a 56-Year Old Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

Robert Cousens, Jaden Dales


A 56-year old female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), with known dental issues, presented with lethargy and inappetence. Clinical examination and a history of dental abnormalities and mild impaction colic led to a diagnosis of moderate to severe obstructive intestinal impaction colic. Treatment with oral meloxicam, DSS (Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate), mineral oil, epsom salt and electrolytes as well as rectal enemas were combined with rest and periods of exercise. Treatment resulted in successful passing of an enlarged fecal ball consisting of dried out long fiber feed material. A prevention plan was created for this elephant which has been successful in reducing frequency and severity of colic events for this patient.


Asian elephant; colic; impaction; dentition

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Journal of Zoo Biology
ISSN: 2706-9761 (Online), 2706-9753 (Print)
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