Biochemical Transition Effects of Fungi Fouling Disease in Penaeus Monodon Shrimp
Penaeus monodon (black tiger shrimp) is one of the most cultured shrimp species in India. Biochemical compositions of such shrimp species play a major role in recent decades. The biochemical composition is an index to assess the nutritional quality of food sources. The present work endeavor is to analyze total protein, carbohydrates, total lipids, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals from muscle tissues of both Gilbertella persicaria fungal fouling infected and healthy shrimp, P. monodon. The study animal was captured by cast net operation from cultured grow-out shrimp pond located in Tamil Nadu. The study revealed maximum amounts of nutritional status was observed in healthy shrimp P. monodon (total protein 49.15%, carbohydrate 16.53%, total lipid 2.37%) tissues compared with G. persicaria fungal fouling infected shrimp (total protein 31.15%, carbohydrate 11.05%, total lipid 1.04%) were recorded. These results indicate novel report on nutritional aspect of fungal fouling pathogen G. persicaria which has significantly contributed in biochemical composition reduction of P. monodon.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Velmurugan Karthikeyan, Selvaraj Balachandran, Kasilingam Ramachandran, Nagarajan Rajesh, Ayyaru Gopalakrishnan

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Journal of Zoo Biology
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