Blood Biochemical of Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Kano Zoological Garden, Nigeria
The potential application of blood reference range for crocodile is a basis that can provide important clinical information about health and physiological condition of the animal. This study investigates serum biochemistry of Nile crocodile from Kano Zoological Garden, Kano, Nigeria. Six (6) adult Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) were captured from crocodile pond in the zoo. Blood was collected from post-occipital sinus of the physically restrain crocodile and used for serum biochemical parameters. The results revealed the Total Serum Protein (TSP) concentration of 9.2g/Ɩ, albumin concentration which is a common plasma protein is 43g/Ɩ while globulin concentration is 54g/Ɩ. Cholesterol concentration measure is registered at 5.2mmol/Ɩ with High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) of 1mmol/Ɩ and 1.35mmol/Ɩ respectively. Creatinine: a breakdown product of creatinine which is an important part of muscle tissue is 44umol/Ɩ. Uric acid which is a primary catabolic end product of protein is 0.18mmol/Ɩ while glucose and triglyceride are 4.94mmol/Ɩ and 2.24mmol/Ɩ respectively while enzymes which include Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentration is 6U/Ɩ, Aspartate aminotransferase concentration is 5U/Ɩ while Alkaline Phosphatase is 20U/Ɩ. The biochemical values recorded were compared with available data on farm Nile crocodile. Clearly, nutritional status, age, gender, season, physiology and environment should be considered if clinical pathology is to be employed as a diagnostic tool.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Adelakun K.M., Kehinde A.S., laoye O., Ihidero A.A., Dalha A.

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Journal of Zoo Biology
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