Hoshang Noraiee


Baluchistan is a marginalized area in Pakistan. During the last decade, the amount of chaos, lawlessness, rivalries, conflicts and conspiracies has reached an alarming level, which has severely affected the entire social and political life of this area. The troubles have evolved in a specific historical context that of the colonial legacy of borderland policies, in a complex process of interaction between the weak Pakistani state and security-oriented policies on one hand, and tribally-based structures on the other. The purpose of this article is to explain the historical roots of current rivalries and conflicts in Baluchistan, which reflect the interests of different factions of tribes andsub-tribes who have redefined their identities with hybrid patterns of tribal nationalism.


Baluchistan, Bugtis, Colonialism, Fragmentation, Hybrid, Indirect rule, Marris, Mengals, Nationalism Pakistan, Patronage, Sardar, Tribe.

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