Assessment of Capacity-Building Needs Challenges and Opportunities

Irfan Sabir, Muhammad Bilal Majid, Muhammad Zia Aslam


The present research work asses the capacity-building needs and perceived challenges and further opportunities in the school health & nutrition program. In this research, demographic factors act as a control variable. The deductive research approach was applied with positivist philosophy. The focal teachers and school health & nutrition supervisors were the respondents for this study that was chosen from convenience sampling method. The statistical tests were applied through SPSS software. The reliability of all variables was above 0.8. The response rate was 98 percent. The statistical confirmed that demographic has no impact on variables association. The liner regression models demonstrate that perception and knowledge, workload capacity, facility & support service capacity and system, structural & role capacity have significant positive effect on the skills and practices of SH&NSs and teachers. This research is one of the rare studies in Pakistan which examine a comprehensive model using; perception and knowledge, workload capacity, facility & support service capacity and system, structural & role capacity as an independent variable and skills and practices of SH&NSs and teachers as a dependent variable and test the ecology of human performance theory in Pakistani context.


Perception, capacity, system, skills, school health & nutrition supervisor.

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