The Role of Organizational Trust an Empirical Estimation of Agriculture Transformation and Rural Development in Pakistan under SDGs

Huma Rani Hussain, Majid Ali


Agriculture sector still support more than half population of the country. Contribution of agriculture is important for Pakistan’s development. Agriculture has been always the main sector of the economic growth of the Pakistan. This study has been conducted to investigate the role of agriculture sector in rural development of Pakistan. To achieve economic sustainability and growth, Pakistan planned to adopt 17 SDGs and under that SDG 2 promote agriculture sustainability. So, it is aimed to measure the progress of Pakistan on this defined indicator to analysis the impact of structural transformation on agriculture sustainability. Time series data has been taken from 1972-2017. ARDL method of estimation has been used for the fulfillment of the objective of the study. Agriculture productivity has been taken as the dependent variable and Employment in Agriculture, Agricultural land, Agricultural Machinery and Fertilizer Consumption are taken as independent variables. For the estimation double log equation has been used. To check the co integration among the dependent and independent variables ARDL bound test has been utilized. It has been observed that through the existing body of knowledge that agriculture machinery, agriculture land and fertilizer consumption in agriculture sector has positive effect in the rural sector. But it has been observed that employment in agriculture have not significant effect on the agriculture value added in Pakistan. It is necessary to enhance the agriculture sector for the rural development which ultimately boosts the economic growth.


Agriculture Transformation; Economic Growth; Rural Development

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