The London Ahmadiyya Mission and the Kashmir Movement

Naseer A. Habib


The Muslim community of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent began to show the signs of centripetal trend facing the challenge of imperialism and the Hindu domination in Colonial India. We find glimpses of an inclusive approach in the formation of the All-India Kashmir Committee in 1931. The London Ahmadiyya Mission was a Centre of Ahmadiyya Jam’at. The movement of Kashmiri Muslims for political rights emerged as a result of indigenous conditions and the All-India Kashmir Committee came into being. The London Ahmadiyya Mission contributed to the work of this Committee by highlighting its case in Great Britain. It came to defend the cause of the Kashmiri Muslims. The London Ahmadiyya Mission served the important job of fine-tuning the lobbying work.  The Congress considered it a British- backed movement (Qureshi, 1998:319). Having adopted the technique of thick description, we found the inclusive trend working behind the emergence of the All-India Kashmir Committee


Kashmir movement; Inclusive approach; centripetal trend; The All-India; Kashmir Committee

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