Aisha Shahzad


Ethnicity refers to a complex combination of racial, cultural and historical characteristics by which societies are divided into different groups and sects.  Assumed blood ties, race, region, language, religion and values create ethnic identities. It is an ascriptive trait that acquires political relevance under certain historical and socio- economic circumstances. It is also an instrument for creating political identity and political mobilization as well as employed to pursue collective advantage of the group. Pakistan is a multiethnic state. Different ethnic and regional differences were over shadowed in the wake of excitement during the movement for independence. However, once the euphoria for movement was subsided, the ethnic and regional differences resurfaced vehemently. It proved to be an uphill task to create sense of political participation among various ethnic groups within democratic and participatory framework. Over time ethnic and linguistic diversity turned out to be the most complex political and social problem that had a profound impact on the nature and direction of Pakistani politics. This study is an effort to analyze and comprehend the ethnic conflict in Sindh (province of Pakistan) with emphasis on Mohajir Quomi Movement (MQM) politics.


Ethnicity, territorial diversity, MQM politics, centralized state government

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Copyright (c) 2013 Aisha Shahzad

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Journal of South Asian Studies
ISSN: 2307-4000 (Online), 2308-7846 (Print)
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