The paper aims to trace feminist elements in the short stories of Ismat Chughtai, a great Indian writer. The paper also aims to analyse stories by Ismat Chightai comparing them in style, content and technique with the works of her contemporary European writers. As she started her literary career as a translator of European writers, the influence is quite evident. The paper will highlight the feminist elements in her stories. There is disagreement within the ranks of feminist writers. Therefore, we find writers like Dorothy Richardson, Jean Rhys and Ismat avoiding to be called feminists. But, the very fact that she was a woman and was writing from the female perspective, discussing social and economic problems faced by women as housewives, maids, working women, beloveds, students or worn out hags, cannot be ignored. As far as raising consciousness, an essential part of the feminist activism is concerned, Ismat’s approach is feminist. We find not only the development of female consciousness in her works but also a social critique as she highlights not only the problems faced by women but also explores the socio-economic causes.
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