Thirty four lines of cowpea were evaluated for their resistance to flower thrips. Selections were based on the ability of cowpea lines to produce peduncles and pods, the numbers of peduncles and pods produced per plants under thrips attack. Based on the performance of the lines during the first evaluation, fourteen lines were selected for the second rating. At the end of the second evaluation ten lines comprising four IITA lines and six landraces were identified to show good performance in resistance to thrips attack. These lines are: IT90K-277-2, TVu3629, TVu13685, TVu1509, BK-2K-05N, BK-2K-02RD, ID2K-05IM, BK-2K-011RP, ID2K-02M, ID2K-01M. These lines identified or selected for good performance can be used for further breeding work for cowpea improvement or recommended to farmers to reduce their cost on insecticides.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Bukola R. Aremu, Adegoke E. Adegbite, Olubukola O. Babalola

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Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
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