GGE Biplot Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction and Grain Yield Stability of Bread Wheat Genotypes in Central Ethiopia
GGE biplot is an effective method based on principal component analysis to fully explore mega-environments trials data. The study conducted was to identify the best performing, high yielding stable advanced bread wheat genotype for selection environments, the identification of mega-environments and analysis of the ideal genotype and environment by GGE biplot method. Fifteen bread wheat genotypes were evaluated using RCBD with four replications at six locations in Ethiopia. The results of combined analysis of variance for grain yield of fifteen bread wheat genotypes indicated that genotype, environment and GEI were highly significant (P<0.001). The factors explained showed bread wheat genotypes grain yield was affected by environment (35.28%), genotype (33.46%) and GEI (31.45%). The first two PC axes of GGE explained 88.7% of G+GEI and divided the six locations into three major groups: Group1 included Asasa, Kulumsa and Arsi Robe (moderately discriminating locations); Group2 had the highland wheat producing locations Holeta and Bekoji (most discriminating locations), while Group3 contain Dhera (least discriminating location), a moisture stress location in the rift valley. Locations within the same group were closely correlated and provided redundant information about the genotypes. Testing can be performed in any one of the locations within a group. Genotype ETBW8078 and ETBW8459 were more stable as well as low yielding. Considering simultaneously yield and stability, genotype ETBW9045 and Hiddase showed the best performances suggesting their adaptation to a wide range of environments. Lemu, ETBW8084 and ETBW8065 were considered as desirable. Genotype ETBW8075 was the least stable with low yield and had a large contribution to the GEI, having the longest distance from the average environment. ETBW9470 was specifically adapted to Group1 locations while ETBW8070 was adapted to Group2 environments. Based on yield performance advanced lines ETBW9470 and ETBW8070 are recommended to be included in variety verification trials for further release.
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