Leaf Clipping and Population Density Effects on Green Fodder and Grain Yield for Hybrid Maize (Zea mays) in Bangladesh
Smallholder farmers having fragmented lands need fodder and grains simultaneously for earning food security for their families. A study was conducted in Crop Physiology and Ecology Research Field and Laboratory at Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Bangladesh during the period of March to July-2013 to investigate the effect of leaf clipping and population density on fodder and grain yield in maize. Three population densities (D1= 75 cm × 25 cm, D2= 60 cm × 20 cm and D3= 50 cm × 20 cm) and three clipping treatments (C1 = no clipping, C2 = removal of all leaf blades below the lowermost cob and C3 = removal of all leaf blades above the uppermost cob) at the silking stage were included as experimental treatments. The experiment was laid out in a two factors Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Results revealed that D1 required the maximum days to attain most of the phenological stages of maize. Higher population density (D3) with C3 clipping treatment gave the highest plant height, whereas D1 with non-clipping treatment gave the lowest. Highest total dry matter (TDM) was found in D2 with C1 and the lowest was found in D1 with C1 treatment. The highest yield (8.88 t ha-1) and harvest index (36.2%) were found in D3 treatment whereas the lowest yield (5.92 t ha-1) in D1 population density but harvest index (32.6 %) was lowest in D2. The highest yield (8.33 t ha-1) and harvest index (35.5 %) were obtained from C1 treatment and the lowest yield (6.55 t ha-1) and harvest index (33.5 %) were obtained from C3 treatment. The highest fodder yield (3.33 t ha-1) was obtained from D3 treatment and the lowest (2.11 t ha-1) in D1 treatment. In C2 treatment, the highest amount of fodder (4.67 t ha-1) was obtained. The interaction between population density and leaf clipping treatment showed a significant variation among the yield and yield attributes in maize. It is indicated that D3 and C1 combination showed the best performance in respect of grain yield (9.67 t ha-1) and harvest index (38.3 %) of maize. But for both grain and fodder yield, D3 with C2 showed the best performance.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33687/pbg.007.02.2713
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Copyright (c) 2019 Golam M. Rokon, Md.Mahmudul H. Khan, Md.Maniruzzaman Bahadur, Maruf H. Shanto, Md.Khairul Alam, Jahid Hussain, Gazi N. Hasan, Md.Mainul Islam, Juwel Halder

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