Simple Inheritance of Partial Resistance to Leaf Rust in Six Spring Wheat Cultivars
Leaf rust disease affects wheat stems, leaves, and grains can lead up to 20% loss in the yield. The promising wheat breeding programs focusing on developing cultivars that have high-yielding and are resistance in wheat-growing areas where leaf rust is common. The inheritance and genetic nature of partial resistance were studied in six parental Egyptian wheat cultivars i.e., Sakha-93, Gemmeiza-9, Gemmeiza-10, Gemmeiza-11, Sids-12, Sids-13, and their F1 and F2 crosses, using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results proved that partial resistance to leaf rust disease in the wheat cultivars was quantitative trait loci, with the dominance effects being more pronounced in its genetic expression. This type of resistance was controlled by one, two or three gene pairs in the adult stage and the heritability in its broad-sense was generally high (ranging from 81.73% to 93.25%). This indicated that the selection of partial resistance materials in the early generation was possible, while it is more effective if delayed, due to the important role of the dominance effects in the expression of this trait.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ashraf M. M. Abdelbacki, Reda I. Omara, Nor-Eldin K. Soliman, Mohammed A. Najeeb

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