Hybridization and mutagenesis have been applied in India since the 1970’s in order to improve several seed crops as wheat, soybean, maize, groundnut, sunflower, rice, sesame, cowpea, moth bean, etc. Many mutant varieties were approved as national varieties and some promising regional lines through mutagenesis. Though exhaustive work has not been done on the male sterility systems and identification of restorers in Sesamum, there are few studies on genetic male sterility (GMS) and cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and also reports of male sterility during the study of cytogenetics or crossability using wild species in sesame. The possible applications of genetic male sterility (GMS) in plant breeding are reviewed and discussed. The basic contribution of GMS is that it provides a means of genetic emasculation which can be applied for the massive production of hybrids. There are two main fields of application, the production of hybrid varieties and inter- and intraspecific hybridization and back-crossing programmes for the introduction of genetic variation into crop varieties. Induction of genetic male sterility system coupled with natural honey bee activity can provide an effective tool for hybrid seed production in sesame. An attempt was made to induce genic male sterility system through a chemical mutagenesis. Two male sterile plants have been developed and maintained through sib mating. The male sterility system was found to be unstable in sesame. Stable male sterile lines are to be selected through repeated selection.
Anitha, V.Y. and J. Ganesan. 2003.Development of male sterility system in sesame. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter. 18: 39-41.
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Daskalov, S. 2001. Gornooriahovskakapia F1-A new hybrid pepper variety based on radiation induced male sterility. Mutation breeding newsletter. 45: 4-5.
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Hoballah, A.A. 1996. Developing high yielding mutants of sesame in Egypt. Report of2nd FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting on Induced Mutation for Sesame Improvement. Antalya, Turkey, IAEA. Vienna. pp.24–30.
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Koh, H.J. and M.H. Heu. 1995. Agronomic characteristics of a mutant for genic male sterility-chalkyendo sperm and its utilization on F1 hybrid breeding system in rice. Korean Journal of Crop Sci. 40(6):684-696.
Nilton, C. B., S.P. Maria and A.A. Leone. 2005. A male-sterile mutation in soybean (Glycine max) affecting chromosome arrangement in metaphase plate and cytokinesis. Biocell. 29(2): 177-181.
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Parry, N.J., D.E. Beever, E. Owen, I. Vandenberghe, J. Van Beeumen and M.K. Bhat. 2001.Biochemical characterization and mechanism of action of a thermostable β-glucosidase purified from Thermoascusaurantiacus. Journal of Biochemistry. 353: 117-127.
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Prakash, M., V.B. Bharathi, K. Kannan, V.Y. Anitha and J. Ganesan. 2001.Effect of 2,4-D and Ethrel on induction of Pollen Sterility in Sesame. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter.16:39-41.
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Savant, K.D., A.L. Bhalerao and V.S. Kothekar. 2009. Quality improvement of oil in sesame (Sesamumindicum L.) through induced mutations. Bioinfolet. 6 (2), 127-129.
Sengupta, S. and K.D. Animesh. 2004.Desirable macromutants induced by chemical mutagens in sesame (SesamumindicumL.). Cytologia.69 (3): 291-295.
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Sujatha, M. 2001. Induced mutant for male sterility in Niger.Mutation breeding newsletter. 45: 41-43.
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