Impact of leaf trichomes and stomatal density on the response of three soybean varieties to sucking pest infestation

Nourelhoda Mohammed Rasmey Abdelhamid, Nihal Magdy Mohammed Khalil Bagy, Hanaa Fadl Hashem


Chemical pesticides disrupt local ecosystems, reduce populations of natural predators, and contribute to the evolution of pest resistance. Therefore, developing pest-resistant crop varieties is one of the most promising and environmentally friendly alternatives for pest control today. In the present study field experiments were conducted over two consecutive growing seasons in 2022 and 2023 to explore pest resistance among three soybean varieties viz. Crawford, Giza 111, and Giza 22. The research aimed to assess pest infestation resistance among these varieties, considering various leaf morphological factors. Four key pests were evaluated in the study viz. whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn), spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koc), aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover), and thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind)). The soybean varieties exhibited differences in susceptibility, and pest density varied across the two growing seasons. Crawford and Giza 111 demonstrated lower resistance, characterized by reduced leaf hair density and an increased number of stomata per leaflet. In contrast, Giza 22 was the most susceptible, featuring a higher density of trichomes and lower stomata density. In terms of field yield, Crawford produced the highest yield, followed by Giza 111, while Giza 22 yielded the least. The results of this study underscore the importance of selecting resistant plant varieties in future pest resistance improvement programs.


Pest management, Resistance, Soybean varieties, Morphological patterns, Trichomes, Stomata

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