Wali Muhammad, Abdul Hayee Abid, Muhammad Ashraf Ali, Muhammad Nasir, Quratulain Haneef


The present study was conducted in a farmer field of Tehsil Kot Addu, District Muzaffargarh to evaluate the efficacy of different weedicides available in the market against wheat sown in sugarcane field along with their cost benefit ratio. There were total six treatments including a check. Five weedicides including Aim, Logron, Atlantis, Affinity and Buctril-super were used at the doses of 20 g, 16 g, 160 ml+160 g, 800 g and 300 ml/acre respectively. The randomized complete block design was adopted with four replications of treatment. Results revealed that Atlantis resulted maximum (85%) weed population followed by the Affinity resulting 78% weed population reduction. Maximum yield (5.05 tonne/Acre) was resulted from spray of Atlantis followed by use of Atlantis i.e. 4.43 Tonne/Acre. Atlantis also resulted maximum cost benefit ratio i.e.5.2 as compared with control and all other weedicides tested against wheat weeds


Wheat Weeds; Weedicides; Weed Management; Cropping System

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.33804/pp.005.01.3558


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