Investigations on different Semen Extenders for Cockatiel Semen
The aim of the present study was the modification and evaluation of three different semen extenders for cockatiel semen in order to achieve a long survival time for transport, examination purpose and for potential cryopreservation, respectively. Therefore, individual and pooled semen samples of 30 cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) were investigated for pH and osmolality values and subsequently pH and osmolality values of the semen extenders were adjusted to those values in the semen. Pooled semen samples were then partitioned into four equal parts and diluted with the three different semen extenders in 1:4 and 1:8 dilution. 1 % glucose-Ringer’s solution was used as control, respectively. A total of 64 incremental diluted semen samples were obtained for investigation. Each dilution was investigated regarding sperm motility immediately after dilution and another four times every 30 minutes. Sperm viability was evaluated 0 and 120 minutes after dilution via eosin B-stain on the diluted semen samples and in pure semen samples. Additionally, the fluorescence stain SYBR® Green/propidium iodide was used to assess sperm viability. The results indicate that cockatiel spermatozoa are highly sensitive to variations in pH and osmolality, requiring adjustment of commercial diluents to pH = 7.42 and osmolality = 300 mOsm/kg. Modified Lake diluent maintained higher viability and motility than other diluents tested. Sperm morphology was indicated to be least adversely affected by modified Lake diluent in 1:4 concentration compared to other semen extenders and concentrations used.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Helena Schneider, Dominik Fischer, Klaus Failing, Christine Ehling, Sabine Meinecke-Tillmann, Axel Wehrend, Michael Lierz

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Journal of Zoo Biology
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