Nuclear Damage in Peripheral Erythrocytes of Cyprinus Carpio Exposed to Binary Mixture of Pesticides
The present study was undertaken to examine the DNA damage in peripheral blood erythrocytes of Cyprinus carpio under the binary exposure of bifenthrin and chlorpyrifos by using single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE). Limited efforts have been made to study the genotoxic effect for long duration period. Therefore, the present investigation was aimed to assess the genotoxicity of pesticide mixture to the freshwater carp, Cyprinus carpio at sub-lethal concentration exposure (33% LC50). At first 96-hr LC50 value of pesticide, the mixture was determined for Cyprinus carpio in a static system and then sub-lethal concentration was calculated and fish was exposed to this sub-lethal concentration of the mixture in glass aquaria for 70 days (five fortnights) at constant laboratory conditions. Peripheral blood erythrocytes were taken on a fortnightly basis for the time-dependent DNA damage assessment in-terms of percentage of damaged cells, genetic damage index and a cumulative tail length of comets. Concentration-dependent increase in the percentage of DNA damaged cells were observed up to a 4th fortnight, followed by a slight decrease in the 5th fortnight. Similarly, statistically significant time-dependent DNA damage was observed in terms of percentage of damaged cells, genetic damage index and a cumulative tail length of comets in treated fish (at 33% of LC50) as compared to control groups. The results supported the use of SCGE for evaluating the toxicity of pollutants which may be used as part of environmental monitoring programs.
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