This article discusses the meaning of human rights reports about violence, Israeli violations and death of civilians on West Bank and Gaza Strip on the new millennia. The concepts of camp and homo sacer - together with Yiftachel, Hajjar and Gordon reflections on Israeli occupation and legality - help to consider the way Palestinian life is easily taken off and to understand this specific situation and the reports. At the same time, use this theoretical framework to read the sources of analysis forces us to look better the differences between the two occupied territories until the Protective Edge operation (2014).The human rights reports of UN and NGOs analyzed on this article show the lack of legal protection of the occupied Palestinian population, exposed to sheer, indiscriminate and unpunished violence, practiced both by Israeli civilians (settlers) and state agents. Rather than an isolated case, an alleged exception in a context of global advancement of legal protection of vulnerable populations, disrespect for international humanitarian law and international human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories reflects the large distance to be covered until the practical implementation of international instruments of protection. The Middle East conflict corroborates Giorgio Agamben thesis that, in present days, the legal exception became the rule and part of world population as homo sacer is submitted to violent death and to all kinds of abuse and rights violations.
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