This paper deals with the nature, distinction and functioning of identity formation of a particular caste, viz. Brahmin caste, relating to various institutions, in North and South India. Identity formation of any community is juxtaposed with the cultural, political and psychological consciousness of other community that is situated diametrically opposite to it. Social movements need identity for empowerment which is required in order to mobilize political claims. Low caste social movements in India are a case in point, although the degree of its perfection has not been same throughout the length and breadth of India. This study does not try to enquire into the path that had already been treated by academicians since the inception of the low caste movements, but attempts to introspect the grid of ‘identity formation’ of upper castes, particularly the Brahmin caste, in opposition to the formation of the identity of the low-castes in India. The present case study rests on the analysis of lived human experiences by means of on-site fieldwork and some combination of (participant) observation, (in-depth) interviews, and/or document analysis. The result is there for other empirical research to investigate further into other domain of enquiry in social science.
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