As posterior implications of 9/11 attack, like different corners of the globe, external terrorist networks and their ideologues planned to expand number of foreign networks through consolidation of scattered members and later on, radicalization of local groups. We found that regional non-state actors and ideological components, found in Bangladesh fuel these networks escalate. Since then, South Asian Country, Bangladesh most often suffers dimensional consequences and an uncertainty of being terror-hub of the territory, even being of weaker state-function. The paper shows how internal and external ingredients endorse extremist or terrorist upheaval in Bangladesh. Moreover, it explains the scope and the way how economic status—extreme poverty along with terror-financing radicalize unemployed youth; religious scriptures are misinterpreted in favor of subversive operations and visualize them a state of heavenly rewards aftermath of their earthy lives. The primary objectives of the work include a neutral research work. Since long decades, the issues tend to remain polarized and biased of ideo-political nature (bipolarized ideologies in politics) in the predominantly Muslim state of Bangladesh. The paper incorporates analyses of current government's exemplary model (2009 to present, 2014) combating Islamist extremism bringing about major successes, also sectarian critiques as well. This research paper also prescribes specific policy recommendations for any circumstance of probable terror infestations or any potential ‘failed state’ consequence resulting in any spillover effect in South Asia.
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