The fall of USSR has brought tremendous changes both at global and regional level. We have seen the emergence of five Central Asian independent states. The shift from closed societies to open democratic process has initiated the democratization process invited different players besides state to play their role in the socio-political development of these countries. Under such environment the emergence of NGOs became possible; however, their pace of development within and across the region is different from one state to another state. While some states have achieved political success, others have done fairly well on the economic front. Except in Kyrgyzstan’s case, the leaders of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have strongly resisted political change and instead they have adopted internal political mechanisms with varying style to stay in power. Kyrgyzstan to a large extent affirming the path of democratization and promotion of basic human rights as national development priorities provided a space for NGOs to emerge. The most recent events in this country have revealed an integral political aspect of the role NGOs play as mediators and active participants in the process, involving meetings and negotiations at the highest levels. Kyrgyz NGOs, regardless of the particular field of their respective activities, have realized that even local problems in society cannot be addressed in the absence of changes in the legal, social, economic and political environments. In this regard, the present study is an attempt to examine the role NGOs in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and to access their contribution in terms of civil society promotion, human rights and election on comparative basis.
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