Over the past few years, the most stunning U.S. foreign policy initiative is the launching of Pacific Pivot or “Rebalancing” towards Asia-Pacific. The primary goal of this policy is to strengthen America’s political, economic, and military presence in the region owing to China is the rising superpower in Asia. Consequently, the Pivot policy seems to be contradictory for Chinese interests. Although President Barack Obama refused the attempt of resisting Chinese interests by this policy, China and most of the foreign policy experts are skeptical about the President’s statement. Thus, the policy speaks a new era of U.S.-China rivalry in international politics. This rivalry will expand upon the inclusion of other Asian powers such as Japan, South Korea, and India. In addition, the policy carries large significance for weak power such as Bangladesh. This essay analyzes the Pacific Pivot including the reasons for adopting it, and how it is different from the policy of previous administration. Also, it analyzes the possible implication of the policy on Asia-Pacific region. This article argues that the policy will establish strong domination of the U.S. in Asia-Pacific that will contain Chinese influence over the region. Consequently, conflict will escalate into Asia, and weak economies of the region may lose their sovereignty over American influence.
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