Over the past two decades, family planning (FP) has received less attention in the South Asian countries. Hence, there is considerable unmet contraceptive need (UCN). The objectives of this paper are to: (i) to discuss the concept of unmet contraceptive need, (ii) to examine the extent and differentials in UCN, (iii) to examine barriers to contraceptive use, and (iv) to identify strategies to address unmet contraceptive need in South Asian countries. The design of this paper is based on data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) and other sources of information. The findings of this study are that the extent of UCN ranges from 7% in Sri Lanka to 28% in Maldives, with some decline over the years. There are differentials in UCN regionally within countries, and by socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the women. The major obstacles to contraceptive use, resulting in high UCN, include concerns about health effects of FP methods, limited access to quality FP services, and cultural or familial objections. By improving service delivery systems, FP programmes can reduce those obstacles, and thereby, help reduce the extent of UCN. This paper concludes that over the past two decades, FP did not receive due attention in the South Asian countries, resulting in considerable UCN. The primary obstacles to contraceptive use should be adequately addressed to reduce the extent of UCN in the South Asian countries.
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