Decentralization is a widely used concept, and it is closely linked with democracy, development and good governance. Many research findings clearly demonstrate that decentralization provides an institutional mechanism through which citizens at various levels can organize themselves and participate in the decision making process. The present study examines the dimension of the decentralization process in the rural administration in India as compared to Bangladesh. Both India and Bangladesh have three tiers rural administration: lower, middle and upper. A previous study examined that the lowest-tier rural administration in Bangladesh has huge dependency on the middle tier. However, rural administration in India has been empowered by decentralization. The decentralization process in India especially in West Bengal has been found to be a more effective way of meeting local needs. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act empowers the rural local governance (Panchayats Raj) Institutions and facilitates three tiers rural self-governance in India. The relation in three tiers is cooperative; their roles and functions are clearly specified. Therefore, the present study investigates the decentralization process at the middle-tier (Panchayat Samiti) rural administration in India to see what insights could be gained that would be applicable to the middle-tier (Upazila Parishad) rural administration in Bangladesh. The study also examines the prospect of building a decentralized rural administration at the Upazila Level.
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