This paper seeks to explore the new horizon of Indo-US relationship in the 21st century. The paper is constructed with the help of reviewing a glossary of literature. The paper highlights the nature of Indo-US relations right from the time of Indian independence down to the present day. Though both the countries share identical political culture and common values, their relationship has been characterized more by mistrust and resentment than by cooperation. As the US generally views the world politics with the aid of ideological prism, India’s policy of nonalignment has not been translated by the US as truly neutral because of its friendship with the erstwhile Soviet Union. India’s “non-aligned “foreign policy and pro- Soviet activities, thus, became a source of considerable irritation to the U.S. Not only did the Indians refuse to assist the U.S. in containing Soviet power, but they also actively cooperated with the Soviet Union in significant ways. In the end, India was not useful in achieving America’s grand strategic goals and, in fact, was perceived as actually helping the Soviets to undermine them. Any strategic interest that the U.S. perceived in South Asia lay primarily with India’s arch-rival, Pakistan. Pakistan, at least notionally, supported American grand strategic goals, including participating in anti-communist military alliances such as the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). But present day scenario is totally different. Both the countries have understood the present day reality and have redefined their partnership in new vision.
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