Protracted Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Exploring National and International Security Implications
The Rohingyas of Rakhine state have been denied citizenship in their homeland. Myanmar's military attack has forced them out of the country. Escaping violence, about 1.6 million Rohingya took shelter in Bangladesh over the period where their protracted refuge has caused a spectrum of security concerns for host country and rest of the world. This article focuses on the national and international dimensions of the security threats created by the Rohingya crisis. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of the regional security complex and three levels of security, this article investigates national and international security implications induced by the Rohingya refugees. This study utilizes a qualitative research approach to analyze primary and secondary data, revealing that the protracted refugee crisis has created a range of security threats, including societal, political, environmental, and the emergent specter of terrorism within Bangladesh. In addition, regional and international networks of Rohingya’s insurgent groups pose the risk of terrorism that has far-reaching implications for international security. The article concludes that Bangladesh should pursue a long-term solution to resolve the security issues associated with the Rohingya crisis, which is the repatriation of the Rohingyas in Myanmar.
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