Exploring Digital Competence of Pakistani ELT Teachers during Pandemic

Mamona Yasmin Khan, Shazia Riaz Cheema


Covid-19 was a tumultuous and unpredictable event that forcibly relocated all educators from the conventional face-to-face phenomenon to a virtual setting. This mode of teaching necessitated a level of digital competence that goes beyond online-based knowledge and encompasses media literacy, information seeking, and critical thinking skills. It also deals with the capacity to communicate with others via digital tools and applications around the globe. The study is aimed at exploring the effect of online teaching on ELT teachers' digital competence in the Covid-19 perspective using (DigCompEdu 2017). Following pragmatism, the researcher used a mixed-method approach to collect data via questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. ELT Teachers at the elementary and secondary levels in Multan's FGEIS(C/G) schools were selected through purposive sampling. For statistical analysis cross-tabulation, chi-square tests, frequency tables, and bar charts whereas IPA for qualitative analysis were used. The study revealed that during the online mode of education, teachers' digital competence increased remarkably. It is suggested that all stakeholders should make substantial efforts to organize regular training and workshops, particularly to enhance ELT teachers' digital competence to meet the challenges during any emergency in future. At the official level, digital competence research should be developed, encouraged, and supported, as it will help to promote digital competence and optimize the use of technology in the classroom.


Covid-19; digital competence; DigCompEdu(2017); ELT teachers; online mode

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33687/jsas.010.02.4239


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