Challenges of Work-Family Conflict: A Cross Sectional study of Nurses’ Perception Working in District Sargodha, Pakistan
The aim of the study is to look into the nurse’s views of the conflict in family and work demands working in various hospitals of Sargodha District. The study follows a quantitative methodology hence survey research design is considered as the most appropriate research design for this research. Structured questionnaires was developed containing 21 items. Data was collected through personal visits. The population for this study was nurses working in government and private hospitals of district Sargodha. For the respondent selection, a multi-stage sampling method was used. In first stage six government and private hospitals were selected through simple random sampling. Target was three government and three private hospital located in district Sargodha. Purposive sampling was employed in the second stage of sampling to choose a sample of 150 nurses from randomly selected hospitals. Results from the study showed that work family conflict was more evident among nurses aged 25-35 and married having 1-3 children. The result of the study showed that as compared to family demands, work demands are more strongly associated with work family conflict. The study recommends that work family conflict should continue to be researched further. In particular, a national study of nurses and the profession should be conducted. The nursing profession’s collective voice ought to be heard in Pakistan.
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