Employee Job Satisfaction in Higher Educational Institutes: A Review of Theories
Employee Job satisfaction is an indication of how happy you are with your job. A person will feel confident and enthused about their work if they adhere to this value of job satisfaction. Teachers play a crucial role in the delivery of knowledge in higher educational institutes, As a result, it is no wonder that the subject of their job satisfaction frequently comes up in conversation. Job-satisfaction theories from Maslow to Lock have all been proposed to try to explain or understand the phenomenon of job satisfaction and motivation. Factors that contribute to employee job satisfaction change over time and cultural aspects are very important very analyzing these theories. In this study, a descriptive research design is used, and conclusions are drawn using a theory-based approach. According to the findings, job satisfaction of academic staff can be improved by implementing theories of satisfaction/motivation in higher educational institutes. Job satisfaction of academic staff leads towards the delivery of quality education resulting in student satisfaction and better university performance. This study has several implications for researchers and policymakers that it makes no difference whether theories are correct or incorrect; rather, it is determined by the environment in which they are used. Theories must be redesigned to incorporate the most recent results in human psychology.
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