The Role of Mosque to Avoid Violent Extremism: A Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Countries
The present project aims to conduct a comparative study between Eastern and Western countries on the role of mosques to avoid violent extremism in society analyzing their functioning. The purposes of the study are to explore the link between mosques and extremism and to draw a policy outline to avoid violent extremism. This is a qualitative study including formal and informal interviews, observations, and secondary data. Theoretically, the concept of Avoid Violent Extremism has been described in the light of a theory, Iannaccone and Berman’s (2006) Religious Extremism, and traced the relevant situation in the Pakistani context. Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, and Quetta are the target cities from the Eastern side while Ottawa, New York, Paris, and London are from the Western side. This study reveals that sectarianism is deeply rooted in Pakistani mosques, variety in internal control systems, and lack of administerial regulations. In Western countries, there is scope for the training of Imams with the administerial checks on the performance of mosques and Imams, and promoting nationalism. This project outlines a Nation Action Plan to incorporate the role of mosques in the welfare of the country and to avoid violent extremism and promote community resilience.
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