Naseer A. Habib


The emergence of Pakistan has been the topic of many discussions. An effort has been made to view it through the prism of Oswald Spengler’s Cultural theory. Every culture has its own soul, distinctive entity, symbols and dynamics. The Hindus and  Muslims belong to different cultures. They have their own past and cultural traditions. After the debacle of 1857, the challenge of  British domination created fissure in their body politic. In this situation, these cultural symbols came to their rescue. The Muslim community of India seems to have been attracted to the symbol of Turkish Khilafat in order to rehabilitate its history in India.  But every upheaval that took place in Turkey caused a stir among the Indian Muslims. It evoked unprecedented response among the Indian Muslims. It was the magnetic field of these strong emotions that directed the needle of high politics. In 1924, The Muslims of India lost their important plank when the institution of Khilafat was abolished in Turkey. They replaced it with the idea of an Independent Muslim state. Having accepted it, Jinnah emerged as a symbol of “pious Sultan” for the masses.  When Gandhi united the goals of arhta and moksha, he emerged like Janaka for Hindu masses. The Congress could not gauge the depth of the Muslim feelings due to the compulsion of its concept of the essential unity of India. Therefore clash of Janaka with pious Sultan was inevitable. Herein lies the clue to the emergence of Pakistan. italics added).


Cultural dynamics, Collective memory, Pakistan, Sub-conscious trend, Symbol.

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