The Judicial system of India and France was highlighted by French travelers and adventurers who traveled in India during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Their records became significant source of information to compare and contrast the judicial system of both the countries. This article makes attempt to give a these voyagers treatise on judicial system of the oriental and occidental worlds. In which significant French travelers such as Francois Bernier, Jean Chardin, Anquetil Duperron and Comte de Modave wrote extensively about the positive and negatives of the judicial system of both countries. Several first hand French sources [translated and untranslated] have been referred in this article in order to make a comprehensive review of judicial system of India through French prospective.
Barbe, E. (1894). Le nabab ReneMadec, Histoire Diplomatique des Projets de la France sur le Bengale et le Pendjab, (1772-1808). Paris: Felix Alcan.
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Besson, M. (1932). Les Aventuriers Français aux Indes, Payet, Paris, 69.
Duperron, Abrahma-Hyacinthe Anquetil (1778), Législation Orientale, Amsterdam : Marc Michel Rey, iv, 13, 15-16, 43-44, 93, 97, 99, 104.
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Modave, Comte de. (1971). Voyage en Inde du Comte de Modave, 1773-1776. Jean Deloche (Ed.). Paris: EFEO. 8, 209, 313, 319
Modave, Comte de. (1971). Voyage en Inde du Comte de Modave, 1773-1776. Jean Deloche (Ed.). Paris: EFEO. 8, 209, 313, 319.
Price, Roger (1993) A Concise History of France. United Kingdom, 60-61
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Ronciere, la (1905), ‘Un artiste français à la cour du Grand Mogol’, Revue hebdomadaire, March. 185.
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Sen, S.N. (1949) (ed.), The Indian Travels of Thevenot and Careri, New Delhi: National Archives of India, 21-28.
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Vincent, R. (1990). The French in India: From Diamond Traders to Sanskrit Scholars. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 90.
Vitré, Martin de, (1604) Description du premier voyage faict aux Indes Orientales par les Français, 75.
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