Performance of Rice Genotypes in Western Mid Hill of Nepal
A field experiment was conducted as on-farm research at Duradanda Lamjung during rainy season 2016 (June to October) to find out the promising genotype to grow in the mid hill of Nepal. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications (farmers as a replication) of 6 genotypes (NR10769-4-2-2, 08FAN10, Khumal 4, NR11105-B-B-27, NR11052-B-B-B-B-66, NR11011-B-B-B-B-29) with a check (Ghaiya). The sterility percent ranged from (15.87-26.35), highest being of 08FAN 10 and lowest of NR 10769. Test weight ranged from (26.03-27.45), highest of Ghaiya and lowest of NR10769. The results revealed that the maximum effective tiller (266 tillers/m2), number of filled grain per panicle (115 grains) and panicle length (27.17 cm) were observed in Ghaiya while minimum effective tiller (202 tillers/m2) and filled grain (77 grains) were found in NR11052-B-B-B-B-66. The result shows that local variety Ghaiya had the highest yield (4.34 ton ha-1) which was highly significant followed by the genotype NR11105-B-B-27 (3.42 ton ha-1) and the genotype NR11052-B-B-B-B-66 had the lowest yield (2.50 ton ha-1). Therefore, ghaiya rice was better in Duradanda as compared to other genotypes and need to be encouraged among farmers. Correlation studied shows that harvest index, thousand grain weight, flag leaf width showed positive and significant association with grain yield, while Flag leaf length, flag leaf area, effective grain per panicle, number of effective tillers per m2, no. of tiller per hill showed positive non significant association to grain yield. So, the improvement in grain yield would be effective and economical, if the selection is based on these component traits.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Diwakar Gautam, Bishnu P. Kandel, Bishnu B. Adhikari

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Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
ISSN: 2305-297X (Online), 2308-121X (Print)
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