Assessment of Maize Genotypes for Forage Yield and Quality
The present study was targeted to evaluate eight maize advance lines in comparison to one local check for green fodder yield potential and nutritional quality. The experiment was conducted at Fodder Research Institute, Sargodha during August 2017. The experiment was sown in a randomized complete block design with three replications having a plot size of 2.4 m x 6 m. The crop was harvested at 50% flowering stage and data regarding plant height, Number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaves weight per plant, stem weight per plant, leaves to stem weight ratio, green fodder yield, dry matter percentage, crude protein and crude fibre were recorded. The results showed that the performance of the advance lines; No.1501 and MS.2010 was best among all the studied genotypes in terms of fodder yield respectively. Both genotypes exhibited a good nutritional quality.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Abdul Basit, Abdul Khaliq, Asim Pervez, Sikandar Hayat, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar

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Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
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