The current study was to understand the genes action in salt tolerance of rice and its use in the future breeding program. The research was carried out in Niger Republic. 120 F3 lines derived from F2 individual plants were evaluated along with their parents in farmer’s field affected by the salt problem. The experimental design was 25*5 Alpha lattice with three replications. Data were analyzed using SAS software version 9.2. Hayman method was used to estimate gene effect. A significant additive gene action was notified in terms of tiller number (at P= 0.01), panicle number (P=0.05) and panicle weight (P=0.05). Suggesting that selection for high tillering ability, tillers fertility and panicle fertility in salt stress conditions at early generation would be fruitful. Partial dominance effect was detected in traits including the height and duration. This implied that breeding for early maturing height can be influenced by segregation. The additive maternal effect was found for duration and height. Thus, to improve the duration and height under salt stress the progeny should have a salt tolerant female parent.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Oumarou Souleymane, Mahamadou Salifou, Massaoudou Hamidou, Baboucarr Manneh, Eric Danquah, Kwadwo Ofori

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