Yield and fibre qualities are economically important parameters considered by the majority of stakeholders engaged in the cotton value chain in Uganda. The study objective was to determine the stability and adaptability of advanced cotton lines in diverse agro-ecological zones. Yield potential and fibre traits of cotton genotypes were evaluated in cotton growing agro-ecologies of Uganda. Sixteen genotypes were evaluated for two-year cycles of 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 in Arua, Lira and Serere districts. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype main effects and genotype by environment interaction (GGE) biplots determined the stability of genotypes for seed cotton yield in different environments. Significant differences were observed among genotype performances for all the traits assessed with exception of ginning out turn. Some genotypes showed good fibre traits and high seed cotton yield across sites in the two-year cycles. The mean yield across sites and years ranged from 1422 to 1883kg/ha with eight genotypes including the check (BPA2002), attained yield above the overall mean of 1729kg/ha. Five genotypes BTAM(13)MO.2 (1883kg/ha), MS(13)MO.1 (1838kg/ha), EZAMMAR(13)MO.1 (1839kg/ha), BTAM(13)MO.3 (1824kg/ha) and BHG(13)MO.2 (1818kg) had higher yield than the check (1777kg/ha). Using AMMI model, the genotype and environment effects revealed significant differences for yield. Genotype by environment interactions was significant, indicating that there is genetic variability among genotypes for yield in the changing environments. The relationships observed among test locations using GGE biplot revealed three mega-environments. This indicated that classifying genotypes into mega-environments implied higher heritability and faster progress for plant breeders and higher yields for growers. AMMI analysis revealed six stable genotypes G11(BPA2002), G15 [BHG(13)MO.2], G7 [BTAM(13)MO.3], G14 [EZAMMAR(13)MO.1], G9 [BPAN(13)MO.2] and G16 [BPAN(02)14] which contributed to relatively lowest interaction. Generally, these results showed that genotypes with above average means of seed cotton yield, good fibre traits and stability were considered for further evaluation in national performance trials prior to release.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Martin Orawu, Gladys Amoding, Lastus Serunjogi, George Ogwang, Chris Ogwang

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