Sorghum plays an important role in both animals and humans feeding. However, sorghum midge is one of limiting factors in sorghum production. This study was conducted to estimate combining ability for grain yield, and resistance to sorghum midge. Two introduced cytoplasmic male sterile lines were crossed to 25 F5 inbred lines in line by tester design to produce 50 hybrids. The parents and F1 hybrids were evaluated in two different planting dates at a location considered to be a sorghum midge hot spot in Niger. Line by testers analysis was performed to estimate combining ability for yield and midge resistance as well as other sorghum traits among parental lines and the hybrids. The analysis of variance for combining ability shows that mean sum of square due to lines, testers and the interaction between lines and testers in both planting date was significant for most of the characters under study. Additive gene action was predominant for all traits in both planting dates. Non additive gene action was also predominant for plant height, days to 50% flowering, grain yield and resistance to midge. Based on GCA and SCA effects, some lines and hybrids have been identified with good yield potential and resistance to sorghum midge.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Hamidou Massaoudou, Malick Ba, Issoufou Kapran, Eric Y. Danquah, Kwadwo Ofori, Vernon Gracen

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