Tariq Ahmad, Nafeesa Akhtar


This paper discusses some ex situ observations on the life history strategies of two Indian pentatomid pests, Dolycoris indicus Stal and Eurydema pulchrum Westwood infesting the cruciferous crops in Kashmir Valley. Laboratory experiments were carried out during 2013-2014 in the Division of Entomology, Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Studies on the biology revealed that the incubation period varies from 3-4 days while a total of 5 nymphal instars were found in both the species during their entire life time. The first instar nymphs are gregarious in nature and never feed notwithstanding, this condition gradually disappears from 2nd instar onwards. The biological observations on the life cycle revealed that both these species are basically similar with other pentatomid bugs. Additionally, the keys for identification of nymphal instars are also provided.


Biological observations, pentatomid pests, Cruciferous crops

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